Flowers & Identity | Ishwara Siwa


-Ishwara Siwa

Trans. Hem Bishwakarma

A sour tear of pain

Float on eyes,

Glides down the cheeks

Then, floods away

Hundreds of wishes and dreams

Pleasure-seeker masculinity 

Beholds the life

As a splendid flower

Bloomed with the dew at dawn

While He enters the brothel

That himself created

The hedonist

Hews a high walls of honour

And the peak of humanity

Though plucking 

Flowers one after another

Unsatiated sensuality squeeze the buds, too

Parijats, the night jasmine of tomorrow

Fades to bloody corpses

Freedom and equality

Limited merely out of social mindset

On the pages of the constitution

The walls and kitchen 

Chase until the last breath

Veiled with customs and traditions

Meant for beauty and tolerance 

The thorns and leaves confines the flowers


They are not in despair!

Drying the hearts by confidence

Wet from the rain of inequality

The flowers are persistent seeking

Their identity.

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